School Security Team
Schools, colleges, and universities face a gr eat number of external and internal thr eats, which can be a worry for not only those on-site but for parents, families, and the wider community. Whether it be the thr eat of intrusion, violence or the potential to bring ille gal substances or other banned items on-site, to name a f e w e xamples, it is certain that without a wellcoordinated school security presence there will always be the potential for harm to come to some of society’s most vulnerable people.
De meeste ontvoeringen, terroristische daden en overvallen worden maanden van tevoren minutieus gepland, zodat de kans op mislukking klein is. Er kunnen weken of maanden van nauwgezet bewakingswerk zijn uitgevoerd vóór de aanvalsactie. CPIS is in staat deze bedreiging voor u, uw bedrijf, familie en eigendommen tegen te gaan door een door de overheid goedgekeurde service aan te bieden met teamleden die vele jaren operationele ervaring hebben.
Ons surveillanceteam zorgt voor geheime verkenningen en het verzamelen van inlichtingen om u te helpen bij het nemen van weloverwogen beslissingen en bij uw eigen onderzoeken.
We zijn belast met een verscheidenheid aan opdrachten, van bedrijfsspionage van werknemers met tuinverlof, het volgen van activa, politieke onderzoeken en mogelijke criminele activiteiten.
CLOSEPROTEC Security can place Security Officers Covertly in your schools and coleges.
CLOSEPROTEC Security we offer reliable, professional and service orientated Security Operative to deal with your security requirements who are the most suitable for the role. Our Operative possess the following skills:
Experienced in conducting patrols
Excellent Observation Skills
Customer service and safety as their key morals
Skilled with thinking on their feet
Keep calm under pressure
Posses a responsible and mature nature
Qualified in operating computer systems
Monitoring of CCTV
Call our experts on
Ja Tel / whatsApp: +1 876 399 1974
USA Tel: +1 954 907 8011
Client Confidentiality
Client confidentiality is the principle that an institution or individual should not reveal information about their clients to a third party without the consent of the client or a clear legal reason.
Why Choose
Head Office based in London
Office in the Caribbean
Worldwide resources
Expert personal Investigation
Transparency, discretion, confidentiality
Professional Evidence
Properly conducted surveillance work is one of the best ways to gather the evidence you need to make your case stand up in court.
Security Consultants are focused to assist a client make an informed decision in relation to risk acceptance, risk avoidance, risk reduction